Contact Woodstone We value the feedback of our customers very much, so if you have any questions, remarks, suggestions, ... don't hestitate to share them with us.

Postal Address

Considering that most of our clientele is global, email is generally the easiest way to reach us. Response is rapid, but keep in mind that due to time zone differences we may not be immediately available.

Make sure to accept mail from the WOODSTONE.NU domain!

Please email sales related questions to our sales department

Please email support related questions to our support department

All other queries should be directed to our frontline people.

Postal Address
The local time zone is UTC + 1 Hour.

bvba Woodstone
Tieltsestraat 39
3391 Meensel-Kiezegem

Tel: +32.496.492542
NOTE: not to be used for technical support issues. Please use email instead.

Our W8 form can be found here.
Our D-U-N-S number: 372014477

SOAP checker

Do a SOAP request and check if the result is correct/possible.
The addons can be downloaded from here

Try Before You Buy!.

Try Servers Alive for FREE with no time limit....
You can try all of the features to see if the program meets your needs.

Download page

Customer praise

"As a local area web magazine on a budget, we constanly had trouble monitoring our web availability. As we grew to multiple servers it became even more important to find a realistic monitoring solution. After finding and using Servers Alive we know about problems right away, day or night, and our down-time has decreased 10 fold because of this excellent product!"

Barry George
Network Administrator
Wabang Creative Technology