Woodstone Services We provide you with important services to help your enterprise become more successfull.


Our certified staff can help you plan, implement and maintain your network infrastructure.

We offer support for most Microsoft server products.

Woodstone can also assist you in your security related projects.

Custom Quality Software

With our experience in the world of network monitoring we offer assitance in writing custom monitoring solutions.

SOAP checker

Do a SOAP request and check if the result is correct/possible.
The addons can be downloaded from here

Try Before You Buy!.

Try Servers Alive for FREE with no time limit....
You can try all of the features to see if the program meets your needs.

Download page

Customer praise

"[Servers Alive] saves my butt. Will probably save yours. It works as presented and the author is alive, busy coding, and smart."

Richard Fink
RainTree Computer Systems