Servers Alive & RRD (Round Robin Database) based on Servers Alive v5.x
Servers Alive v5 includes the ability to log into RRD databases and to generate graphs from it. This HOWTO should help you set this up.
- Install the RRD Tools
- In the SETUP-LOGGING-RRD TOOLS screen enter the path to the RRDTool file. This should include the RRDTOOL EXE itsefl too.
Example: c:\data\rrd\src\tool_release\rrdtool.exe
- In the SETUP-LOGGING-RRD TOOLS screen enter the path were the RRD database files (and graphs) should be stored. Make sure this directory exists!
Example: c:\data\rrd\database\
- In the SETUP-LOGGING-RRD TOOLS-Roundtrip RRD logging screen enter the prefix and suffix for the database files. These are used to give a name to each of the database files.
prefix: RTR and suffix: .DB -> the database file for the entry with uniqueID 4 will be called RTR4.DB
- In the SETUP-LOGGING-RRD TOOLS-Check result RRD logging screen enter the prefix and suffix for the database files. These are used to give a name to each of the database files.
prefix: CHK and suffix: .DB -> the database file for the entry with uniqueID 4 will be called CHK4.DB
- If all entries are loaded within Servers Alive you should now enabled them for RRD logging. You could do this by editing them one-by-one, this will take a long time however if you have a lot of entries. A more simple way of doing this is using the "changes wizard" (can be accessed via the EDIT menu).
- Go back to the SETUP-LOGGING-RRD TOOLS screen and have Servers Alive create the CREATE and GRAPH script.
- Execute the CREATE script. Take a command prompt and goto the database directory (in the above example c:\data\rrd\database) and execute the sa_create_rrd.bat file
For each entry were the RRD logging is enabled there will be a database file.
- In you want the graphs to be created after each check cycle you should enter the command to do this in the "command to execute after the update" field (SETUP-LOGGING-RRD TOOLS)
Example: c:\data\rrd\database\sa_graph_rrd.bat
The CREATE and GRAPH bat file created by Servers Alive are to be seen as EXAMPLES of what can be done with RRD Tools. RRD Tools can do much more but for that you have to refer to the RRD Tools documentation.