Servers Alive FAQ
A collection of ready to use answers are available for you 24/7
1.How to use the MS Teams alerts? (v10)
2.Can't send SMTP mail (v6)
3.Can't list processes on a remote system (5.0 and higher)
4.I don't see the MOON system tray icon on the system running Servers Alive. (all) (all)
5.Can't send SMTP mail via Servers Alive and I can send it via Outlook. (all)
6.Why isn't the ... instant messaging alert no longer working? (all)
7.I'm checking my DNS server using the default IPV4 DNS check and it's reported as being down, while my DNS server is perfectly working. Why is that? (v5 and higher)
8.Can't send SMTP mail via the GMAIL server. (v6 and higher)
9.How is Servers Alive affected by the new Daylight Saving dates in the US and Canada? (all)
11.Can't check an Oracle database. (all)
13."Direct send" isn't working. (v5 and prior version)
14.Can't send SMTP mail via Servers Alive. (all)
15.Using your own own SSL certificate for the Servers Alive webserver? (v9 and above)
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