Phone: +852-25128491 Fax: +852-25108629 Email:Sales Department Website:
Active in India (Mumbai and Bangalore), Malaysia and Singapore. With an office in Hong Kong too.
Phone: +61-3-9780-5100 Fax: +61-3-9763-5522 E-mail:Sales
"Pacific Broadband Networks designs and manufactures fibre optic transmission equipment for Cable Television (CATV), Fibre to the Home (FTTH), and Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (GEPON). Monitored by Servers Alive software with PBN add-ons."
Kiss IT (Keep It Simple Systems Information Technology)
Phone: +61 3 9415 9811 Fax: +61 3 9415 9844 E-mail:Sales
Because we offer IT technical design and services, we currently operate in Australia, only from our Melbourne office location.
"Kiss IT prides itself on its integrity of being focused to your needs, by efficiently providing complete end to end IT Business Solutions and IT support tailored to meet your specific requirements." MicroWay Pty Ltd
Phone: +34 02 300 803 Fax: +34 1 803 5152 E-mail:Departamento Comercial Website:
Serves Spain, Portugal and latin american countries (center and south
America: Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Perú, Brasil,
Colombia, Nicaragua, etc.).
Altair Bohemia, s.r.o.
"We sell industrial process control and laboratory instrumentation. We specialize in spectral and thermal measurements in the UV/VIS/NIR and IR bands, and industrial signal processing for process control." Uilabs LLC
Phone: +1-918-398-4243 Fax: +1-918-610-0865 E-mail:Sales
Is able to serve the US, but mostly does it's consulting work in the Tulsa (Oklahoma) region. Uilabs can offer services involving Servers Alive.
"Uilabs is a web-development and network consulting company serving mostly Tulsa (Oklahoma) based customers"
Phone: +34 02 300 803 Fax: +34 1 803 5152 E-mail:Departamento Comercial Website:
Serves Spain, Portugal and latin american countries (center and south
America: Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Perú, Brasil,
Colombia, Nicaragua, etc.).
If you're interested in becoming a reseller, please contact us to request further information. Please include some info on your company and how you would promote our software.
Try Servers Alive for FREE with no time limit.... You can try all of the features to see if the program meets your needs. Download page
Customer praise
"I want to say thank you for providing a well thought out, affordable solution for server monitoring. It is the best product I have seen for this purpose."