Different editions

Compare our editions Free Standard Enterprise
Price 0 EURO 199 EURO 299 EURO
Max number of entries 10 1000 5000
Logging to ODBC compliant database YES NO YES
Custom fields YES NO YES
Convert output result via scripting YES NO YES
Alert schedule YES NO YES
On-call schedule for support personel YES NO YES
RRDTools logging YES NO YES
Add a route before a check YES NO YES
Send alerts when receiving an SNMP trap YES NO YES
Check via a remote agent YES
(limited to 1)
NO YES (2 included)
Twitter as alert YES NO YES
Cloud checks
  • Microsoft Azure
  • AWS (EC2 and S3)
  • GCP (Google) - in beta
Virtualisation checks
  • Hyper-V
  • VMWare
  • Docker
Once per day checking schedule YES NO YES

Enterprise only features.

Database logging

Servers Alive is able to log to a text file and this in both the standard and the enterprise edition. However if you want to create reports using your favorite report writer it might be easier the use the ODBC (read database) logging of Servers Alive Enterprise edition.

Custom Fields

With our custom fields option you're no longer limited to the standard info we provide with Servers Alive, you can add your own custom info. Maybe you need to know for each entry "who is responsible" or "were is it located", in Servers Alive Enterprise edition you can create your own custom fields and use them in the logging, output (HTML pages) and the alerts.

Convert the check result via scripting.

In the Enterprise edition of Servers Alive it's possible to convert to check result using scripting.
An example to shows how this can help you.
You have an environmental sensor that gives the temperature in °C, however your support people are use to work with °F. On the CUSTOM tab of the entry that does this temperature check you can configure it to use a script to convert the result (°C) into °F and when you use the result within your alerts/output/... it will be in °F and no longer in °C.

Alert Schedule

How to handle alerts that you only want to receive during specific days/hours? Try the alert schedule. With the alert schedule you can define when alerts are "valid" and need to be send and when they are not.

On Call schedule for support personel

You have several people working in your IT department. During the night (and weekend) only one of them is on duty (on call), instead of creating different alerts for the day and night and for the week and weekend, why not use the on-call schedule. When the alert needs to be send Servers Alive can check the schedule of your support people and determine who should get the alert.

RRDTools logging

RRDTools is a free tool that enabled you to log data (numbers) into a database and to create graphs of this. Servers Alive can use the RRDTools tool in order to create the needed database, update it and generate the graphs from it.
On our documents page there is a document on how to use RRDTools together with Servers Alive.

Add a network route before a check is performed.

In a network architecture were most (if not all) links are redundant it's often not easy to check if all links are still working fine. With this "ADD ROUTE" option you can add a network route (like with a ROUTE ADD command) before a check is performed (and remove it after the check), that way you can force the usage of a specific link/route.

Send out alerts when receiving an SNMP trap.

When one of your SNMP devices sends out a trap on the network then it realy has something important to say. Servers Alive can receive such a trap and send out an alert if the received trap matches the criteria you have set.

Remote Agent checks

Until now all the checks of Servers Alive worked agent-less, this has ofcourse big advantages. However is some cases were you want to check systems that are in a secured network, it's not always possible to do the checks within the normal protocols. For example most DMZs don't allow NetBIOS traffic, this means that all checks that are based on NetBIOS simply won't work. With the remote agent check we can communicate with the remote system using 1 port and this over an SSH alike (encrypted) protocol. The agents are freely available from our website. Within the ENTERPRISE edition you can by default define 2 of those agents (more can be added by purchasing extra remote-agent licenses). We have an Windows agent (runs as service) and have a agent for *nix system (binary and source-code). More info

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If you're a business owner or manager, you know that network outages can affect your income, brand integrity, and bottom line. Here's a non-technical description of how Servers Alive can monitor your network and alert your IT staff when there's a problem.

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Customer praise

"We DON'T like our customers telling us that their server is down. [With Servers Alive] an SMS message on the mobile tells us exactly what is wrong, and it's fixed in minutes. Before, if a server went down Friday night we would find out from the customer on Monday morning!!!

You have a brilliant product. Keep up the good work."

Matt Esse
Omniserve Pty Ltd